About Me

Hi! My name is Xiaoyu. I work in business development in the building industry and I am also a full time as a creative being, a traveler, a chef, and an inspired human being.  Between making time for errands, friends and family, going out, traveling, working out, there really isn’t much time for myself and the things that I love. I decided to dedicate this space to my creative self & lifestyle and to document the things that work for me to help balance my beautifully unbalanced life.

About The Inspired Humanity Blog

The Inspired Humanity is a lifestyle blog that focuses on inspiring and motivating subjects. I will mostly be talking about the things that I wish someone would have told me during my 20’s.

What am I passionate about?

Self Care:  Taking time for myself and getting to know myself better.

Community:  “It takes a village to raise a child”. Although, at 29 years old I am no longer a child, I will always be learning and growing.

Traveling: I can’t stress enough how important traveling is for building character. I have learned so much about myself through my adventures.

Learning: You’re always learning and therefore, growing.  We live in an age where information is readily available at our fingertips (literally, think iphones, ipads, laptops). I think its great to take advantage of technology to advance yourself and your abilities.

Cats: I love squishing toe beans, and if you own a cat you will know what I am talking about.

Full Disclosure: Some of the products I write about on my blog I am sponsored to write about but  I will not endorse a product I don’t believe in, but I might write about it or reference and link to it, I use the products that I write about and I will explicitly state in to top of my blog entries if I no longer use that product and what I have replaced it with.

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